Thursday, February 26, 2009

Holding Steady

Mom had a restful night, with only one episode of agitation. We are trying to get her pain med dosing time shifted to even numbered hours to avoid the inevitable delays that occur because her meds are currently due right at shift change...NOT good. A thirty minute delay in getting her meds causes distress for all of us.

This morning, due to the long delay in getting her meds, she became as lucid as she ever gets, and told Todd, "You look weary and tired." Ever the loving mother worrying about her babies. She told him, "I love you," and gave him a sweet hug. Todd assured her he was okay, and that he was here to take care of her. She also asked him if she was going to die; a hard thing to have to admit to your mother.

Mom's brothers, Les and Glenn, are heading back to South Africa and Washington, respectively, today. It has been a neat time of connecting with them, though we certainly would have rather done that where Mom could have enjoyed them being here as well.


  1. It's time for God to strike down Satan's attempts to snatch our Vickey from His grasp. We claim our victory and seal Satan's doom at the same time in the name of Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Son of the Almighty God. Amen & Amen.

  2. Great is Thy faithfulness O God our father, there is no shadow of turning with you. Thy changeth not, thy compassions they FAIL not, as thou has been thy forever will be. Great is thy faithfulness, Great is they faithfulness morning by morning NEW MERCIES I see, ALL I have need of they hand has provided. GREAT is thy faithfulness Lord unto me. Vickey, I am claiming VICTORY for you and us in this time. God hand is not short and He WILL sustain us all and prevail for his GLORY.
