Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday, February 18 noon

Vickey had a visit from the Oncologist this morning. With the most efficient, clear and compationate manner, she was able to deliver to Vic that the adeno carcenoma in her stomach has grown with undaunting speed and that there are lesions in her lymph, liver, lungs and spleen. The doctor drew illustrations for her as she spoke which made it the moment that would bring most mortals to their knees palatable and more easily understood. Her options to consider include first and foremost - stopping the bleeding, managing the pain, strengthening her so that she can become strong enough to choose the next plan. Chemo is a possibility when she is stronger. For those who need time frames - we of course cannot know God's plan - however, the doctor said with radiation to stop the bleeding and comfort measures, months - maybe up to a year. If she heals enough to receive chemo treatment, a year to a few. She spoke to the quality of life and the many pros and cons of each possible choice.
Vickey was so appreciative of the doctor's information and delivery. Her strength in the Lord FILLED the room and humbled the doctor, who took Vickey's hand and assurred her that the doctor's would do everything to make her comfortable. She then bent down and placed her arms around Vickey, lifting her into a close embrace that superceded anything she could have said with words.
What continues to amaze everyone is the spirit of peace Vickey is filled with - example -
after the doctor left, she smiled and reached to hold our hands and join in prayer. After Todd prayed, she continued to remind us where she kept her eyes until she fell asleep. After a while, during her short lived nap, a nurse came in to speak to the patient in the next bed. She turned to leave and said "Oh, she is sleeping, I'll come back." Vickey opened her eyes, clear as a bell and said, "Who shall we tell her was here?"
I KNOW you are smiling right now.

Because she is in such pain and discomfort, please understand that while she is in Birmingham, the goal is to let her REST and HEAL to gain her strength. She will be headed back to Dothan this weekend to continue the regiment of resting and healing.

You know Vickey is going to be ever the hostess, so your visits are better spent with the family. We appreciate your loving understanding.


  1. Todd,

    I have been looking everywhere at Cancer Centers and articles online. I sent several links to mom that she was going to send you. I found two though that were mentioned over and over again. The first is Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. It seemed that many of the articles that I found were by doctors from there. Also, apparently Columbia University Medical Center has put out some work in the past year on the origins of stomach cancer, so I came across their name several times. It stands to reason they would be looking into treatments. Just thought I would share...

    Please send Mrs. Vickey my love, and know that I am continually praying for each of you.


  2. If you get a chance check Sarah's blog. She wanted to share more about your mom with her prayer group so they would feel closer to her. I think you and she will enjoy it...It is

  3. Vickey:

    The previous update mentioned you have a roommate and that your roommate snores. My wife Nancy isn't there with you is she? Never mind, she's here cause I hear her snoring. Just kidding. Hope this brought a smile and maybe a chuckle. I think smiles and laughter are good for us, don't you? My Wed morning men's Bible/prayer group are praying for you. Was saddened to read the results of your tests. I ached for you. And I am sure God aches too. Stay strong. Don't give up, cause we aren't. Love you bunches,


  4. We love you all so much and we are praying for all of you!!!

  5. God is bigger than the boogie man. He's bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on T.V. Oh, God is bigger than the boogie man and He's watching out for YOU and me. Vickey I love you and am praying not only for you but your precious children and grans. Diana Waller

  6. Vicky, you are an inspiration to us all. Everyone I know in the Class of '62 is praying for you and for your family.

    --William Wheatley
